This 4-part class will teach you all the steps necessary to do a safe detox of the organ systems plus lymph and cleaning up the blood from viral / bacterial load.
Not everyone can detox the same way nor should they.
This course will inform you of how to determine what order you should detox in and what should be focused on for your chemistry type.
A list of questions will be provided to determine what detox protocol you should follow.
Once you have determined your proper detox protocol, methods of detox will be discussed along with what can assist in detox and more importantly what not to do. An improper detox can cause toxic load to be released sometimes faster than the body can naturally eliminate the toxic load. It is all about tolerances and knowing what yours are and where to start.
Various herbs, essential oils as well as the benefits of saunas, will be discussed to assist in your detox safely.
I will be also teaching a Qigong exercise to assist in detox.
You can attend LIVE or access the recording 2 days after the LIVE class.