Choosing your Medical QiGong Education Provider
As with any higher education selection process, understanding the institution and what you will be learning, the experience brought to the classroom by the professor, and what value you are getting for your money, should be part of the selection process.
As you make your decision, here are some questions to ask and information to consider:
1. Most people coming for Medical QiGong are doing so because of western allopathic diagnosis and probably with western medication(s) already prescribed, along with western therapies, physical or otherwise.
- Can your education put you on par with understanding what this means to the patient or how your treatment can be contraindicated by these practices?
- Can you communicate with other health care professionals (allopathic and otherwise) on an equal level of understanding?
At Inner Strength we train our practitioners to be able to work in a integrated healthcare environment and understand how western medical practices can work alongside a medical qigong practice, and how to support that patient best as they heal.
2. Most Medical Qigong systems in North America are based on TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine). Ours is based on Classical Chinese Medicine (7,000 years of wisdom). TCM VS. Classical .
The root of Taoism and all schools of Chinese Medicine is based in Classical Chinese Medicine as well as the 3-element theory (not 5). Mixing the two systems never works well for the patient and takes far longer to heal. At Inner Strength we work from a Classical Chinese Medicine perspective.
3.Does your professor actively see patients daily?
To stay current with all options for patient care, your professor needs to perpetually see patients to keep up their skill set, which translates into allowing the students to glean from this knowledge. Dr Cibik has an active clinic with two locations, and has worked wtih thousands of patients.
4. Will you learn about the importance of Food as medicine, as a source of Qi?
In ancient China, food choices as medicine were a sign of the superior physician. This modality is a key point in the Inner Strength curriculum.
5. How long has your teacher been training and teaching? Are they a teacher to the teachers or beginners?
If the professor is well rounded enough in experience, are they frequently invited to teach in other health care education systems (allopathic and otherwise)? How frequently do they teach? How often does your teacher teach at acupuncture schools?
Dr. CIbik is a regular speaker to Pittsburgh Area Health providers and patient support groups. He has been the professional track trainers for the NQA. He speaks and teaches regularly at Acupuncture colleges in Eastern USA. He has been running his Medical Qigong programs since 1999. His graduates have gone on to have successful practices across the USA Among his graduates are M.D’s, Nurses, Psychologists, Anesthesiologists, Reiki Masters, Animal healers, Acupuncturists, and other in healing professions, who have sought out training in medical qigong in order to best serve their patients.
6. Is your education being completed at a fully dedicated facility to Classical Chinese Medicine and Medical QiGong? Or are classes held at a facility for rent for various other events and purposes.
Our entire 80-acre campus is dedicated to teaching Classical Chinese Medicine and Medical QiGong only – full time, all year round in a consistent progressive format.
7. A weeklong course in exercise does not make you a physical therapist. Who would you trust your health / life with?… someone who trained 2-4 weeks, 40 or 100 hr. certification (intro studies); or someone who has had a minimal 3 years supervised clinical training?
Yes, our programs are longer than a two week immersion. Over the years of offering programs in different formats, Dr. Cibik has found that giving the students time to integrate the knowledge, continue their own self cultivation and add layer upon layer of information provided the best clinicians and well rounded medical qigong professionals.