Medical QiGong VS. Clinical QiGong
Any system can claim that it teaches Medical QiGong to capture students. Any teacher can claim that they teach Medical QiGong in the wild west of QiGong going on in America. Please understand there are no laws or rules…yet.
The National QiGong Association, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion of QiGong practices, understands this and in so doing has called their international certification “Clinical QiGong”. They certify you to an international standard, not a particular system or teacher of which there is no comparative consistency received in training.
The gold standard of training in western and eastern medicine is hours of practice (in college it is credits). So we use hours as a measuring stick for self cultivation as well as didactic / clinical / resident training as does the NQA.
The NQA believes that you need a minimal 500 hrs. of clinical, hands on instruction in order to work as a QiGong therapist in any capacity for the safety of the public as well as to follow the Hippocratic oath of, “First do no harm”. Unsupervised, anything less may not be ethical.
Read more about why hours matter